Flooding Information

How the Parish Council can assist you

In the event of severe weather both the Parish Council, Local Authorities and Organisations can assist you.

Sand Bags

We have a supply of sand bags that can be issued to Hullbridge Residents.

Residents will need to fill the bags up with sand. If you require sand bags please contact the Parish Office on 01702 232038 or email clerk@hullbridgepc.co.uk to arrange a time and date for collection.

Who to contact about flooding in your area


Surface Water, Waste Water and Sea Water /River Water Flooding 
Flooding From Surface Water (rainfall)

 https://flood.essex.gov.uk (Essex Flood and Water Management Team).  Tel: 0345 603 7631  Email: floods@essex.gov.uk

If your property has been damaged by surface water flooding Essex Flood and Water Management Team will be able to investigate the cause of the flooding where possible and recommend solutions.

As the Lead Local Flood Authority, Essex County Council has a role in overseeing the management of local flood risks, including:  groundwater flooding, surface water (rainfall) run off or ordinary watercourse (streams and ditches)

Their responsibilities include:

  • Managing flood risk from surface water runoff or groundwater
  • Agreeing to any changes to ordinary watercourses
  • Recording, investigating and publishing reports on significant surface water floods in the county
  • Recording flood assets and identifying those responsible for maintaining them.
  • Ensuring features which have a significant impact on flood risk cannot be removed or replaced without consent
  • Ensuring good drainage in new developments (SuDS)
  • Reducing the risk of flooding wherever possible

Tel: 08547 430430 or Floodline Tel: 0845 988 1188

Email: flood.protection@essex.gov.uk

For more information on who to contact in the event of flooding http://flood.essex.gov.uk/

Flooding From Highways, Drains or Gullies

Essex County Council Highways: www.essexhighways.org

Essex County Council local area Highways office: 0845 603 7631

Flooding From Water Pipes

Anglian Water:

Wastewater Flooding:- Anglian Water: 08457 145145 (24 hour helpline) or www.anglianwater.co.uk

Internal flooding: - where wastewater has entered your property through doorways, airbricks, cable ducts or other means.

External flooding: - where wastewater has flooded your garden but not entered your property.


Thames Water: 0800 714614

For more information on sewer flooding: www.thameswater.co.uk/


Flooding From Rivers & The Sea

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is responsible for dealing with coastal flooding and flooding from main rivers.

Environment Agency incident hotline: 0800 807060 or 0870 850 6506

Recorded flood warning information for your area and advice: 0845 988 1188 or Type talk (for the hard of hearing)
0345 602 6340

Check if you are at risk of flood or for more information on current flood warnings

Flood Damage To Your Property

Q - How can I make an insurance claim for the damage to my property?

A - Please talk to your insurance company about any loss or damage you have experienced.

Alternatively you may wish to speak to Essex County Council who are the Lead Local Flood Authority with responsibility for surface water.

Act now to protect yourself and your property.

  • Avoid beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads.
  • Keep your colleagues and customers informed of the situation.
  • If it's safe to do so, block doors with flood boards or sandbags and cover airbricks and other ventilation holes.
  • If it's safe, move stock and valuable items to a safe place.
  • Avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water.
  • Turn off gas, electricity and water if your property is about to flood. Never touch an electrical switch if you are standing in water.
  • Call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 using quickdial 111124 for up-to-date flooding information.
  • Keep an eye on local water levels and weather conditions. The Environment Agency website contains details of river level and flooding information and can be accessed at www.environment-agency.gov.uk.

For information on how you can reduce waste water flooding

For information on sewer ownership sewer ownership

For more information on dealing with wastewater flooding